Services provided by Acamin - Offshore in Brazil


Services provided by Acamin


1) Import, preparation and operation of support vessels:

  • AHTS (Anchor Handling and Tug Supply): Boats operating tugs, anchor handling and supply transport.
  • PSV (Platform Supply Vessel): Used to supply oil platforms.
  • LH (Line handling): Used in mooring lines.
  • SV (Mini Supply Vessel): Mini suppliers to oil platforms.
  • FSV (Fast Supply Vessel): Fast charge providers.
  • CREWBOAT: For crew transportation to the platforms.
  • OSRV: Used to combat oil spills.
  • PLSV (Pipe Laying Support Vessel): Used to build and launch lines.
  • MPSV (Multi-Purpose Support Vessel): Ships used for various tasks.
  • RSV (Remotely Support Vessel): Ships equipped with remotely operated vehicles (Remotely Operated Vehicle – ROV).
  • DSV (Diving Support Vessel): Diving and support vessels.
  • WSV (Well Stimulation Vessel): Used for stimulation of oil wells.

2) Recruitment and Selection:

Local crew hiring, according to the customers's briefing and the Brazilian laws and regulations. All costs related to crew are properly detailed in a spreadsheet, which is sent periodically the shipowner;

3) Personnel Logistics

Through our agents, we offer full support for the crew on ships, ports and airports, is for the small problems in conjunction with the immigration authorities, or medical emergencies and assistance in crew changes.

4) Partnership with Subcontractors

Providing such a partnership, we will have a greater control of the process and procedures, resulting in a perfect functioning of the entire operation.

  • Freight Forward
  • Brazilian authorities
  • Visas for foreigners
  • Receita Federal
  • Maritime Agency